Enriching Adventures: 8 Engaging At-Home Activities for Children 12 and Under | Daniel Palmisano & Barry Spencer- Samson Properties | Samson Properties Skip to main content
Daniel Palmisano, Sales Associate

Enriching Adventures: 8 Engaging At-Home Activities for Children 12 and Under

Enriching Adventures: 8 Engaging At-Home Activities for Children 12 and Under

Enriching Adventures: 8 Engaging At-Home Activities for Children 12 and Under

Agent Daniel's photo
Daniel Palmisano 4/12/2024

For parents with younger children, the home can be a treasure trove of adventures waiting to unfold. Here are eight delightful activities tailored to spark joy and creativity while keeping kids engaged and entertained.

  1. DIY Science Experiments!Transform the kitchen into a laboratory with simple and safe science experiments. From making slime to creating colorful eruptions with baking soda and vinegar, these activities ignite curiosity and learning.
  2. Storybook Theater.Encourage imaginative play by acting out favorite stories. Use props, costumes, and enthusiastic storytelling to bring tales to life, fostering creativity and communication skills.
  3. Mess-Free Art.Explore mess-free art techniques like painting with watercolors or using washable markers on windows. It allows for creative expression without worrying about cleanup.
  4. Indoor Camping.Set up a campsite in the living room using blankets, pillows, and fairy lights. Share stories, play camping-themed games, and enjoy indoor s'mores for a memorable adventure.
  5. Treasure Hunt.Create a treasure map and hide treasures around the house. Let the kids explore, solve clues, and discover hidden treasures, promoting problem-solving skills and excitement.
  6. Music and Dance Party.Turn up the tunes and let loose with a dance party. Encourage kids to create their playlists or invent dance routines, fostering creativity and physical activity.
  7. Cooking Together.Engage kids in the kitchen by involving them in age-appropriate cooking tasks. From decorating cookies to assembling DIY pizzas, it's an opportunity to learn and bond over food.
  8. Gardening Fun.If weather permits, embark on indoor gardening projects. Planting seeds, decorating pots, and nurturing plants teach responsibility and offer a hands-on lesson in nature.

These activities cater to children's diverse interests and developmental stages, nurturing their imagination, creativity, and cognitive skills within the comfort of home.

If you're a parent with younger children, what are some ways you entertain your kids at home? Do they match up with this list, or do you have your own skill set to keep them happy?